Worship in the Middle East

Michael Parks • August 8, 2023

We're heading to the Middle East


August has come. Micah and Elijah start school in less than two weeks! And they are so happy...NOT!

Carlos, Ilana, & Josiah are working hard.

All our kids have loved summer and "hated" school...like their dad...

Ever since I can remember, summers have passed too fast for me.

I think God speeds up the earth's rotation from May to September.

When we stop and meditate on our lives, the lives of our families, and our favorite oldies music, we see that life is short and fragile.

Moses, when reflecting on this, wrote,

"Lord... teach us to number our days,

That we may gain a heart of wisdom."

Your life is valuable, and by "numbering our days," we recognize the intrinsic value the Lord has given each one...none should be wasted. In doing this, our heart and soul gain wisdom (the proper application of knowledge), and our lives grow in purpose, fullness, and joy.

...I will always wish summers went by more slowly...

The 3rd annual “A Time Of Refreshing” for Pastors/Wives/Leaders Conference in Kurdistan-Iraq and Lebanon

 “A Time of Refreshing” conference is designed to encourage and strengthen Pastors, Wives, and Leaders through the teaching of the Word, Worship, Fellowship, and Prayer in a peaceful, secure, and restful atmosphere.

These conferences give them the hope they need to stay in the fight!

We will host 300+ pastors and leaders at the two conferences.

FPI covers the cost of lodging, food, transportation, and conference expenses.

This conference is a huge blessing to leaders serving in difficult places.

Thank you for praying!

On the Road Again...Again

We will leave on our journey to the Middle East at the end of the month...soon!

We will travel to

  • Kurdistan-Iraq, to hold the conference and minster to our displaced Yazidi families
  • Lebanon, to hold the conference and minister to Syrian refugees.
  • Jordan, to visit our partners and share in their ministry to refugees.

Please begin praying for our team and those we will serve and consider donating to help the Conference. Any funds raised above what is needed for the conference will be used to bless the displaced families.  Donate Here

Josiah will join me again this year in the Middle East!

He was a great help last year, and we look forward to having him as part of the team again and the many things the Lord will show him!

Our family support has been a struggle. If the Lord leads you to donate to support our ministry efforts, please click here.

Thank you for your prayers and donations for our family and ministry.

Grace & Peace

Mike & Sheri

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