I find it interesting that the only people Jesus ever raised his voice to or "got angry" with were those who touted themselves as pious, religious and knowledgeable about the word of God. He never treated "sinners, people living differently, or people of an outcast group" with disdain, disgust, horror, or spewed horrible words at them. In many cases, we have examples of His demonstration of love for many who had difficult pasts, were in sin, and/or of an outcast group. But, here in today's "modern and educated" world, some leaders in the Christian world find themselves treating "outsiders" poorly, condemning some, and battling with those who need His love. They are also encouraging others to do so. YIKES!
The bible clearly states "If you can speak in the tongues of man and of angels, but have not love...." and it clearly states, Jesus is our example. Loving God and others is a mandate for believers, not a suggestion. And...Love is an action. Sometimes this is a difficult mandate to follow. I wonder if it were easy, would love be as effective in instilling joy and peace in hearts? hmmmm....
Frontier Partners International works diligently to bring God's love to those in need through ACTION first, and words when appropriate. We don't ask others to change their lives before Jesus will love them because its simply not true. Jesus did not ask me to clean up my act before He loved me, nor did He ask you to change your life before He would love you. We love Him because He first loved us. While we were yet in our own sin, He loved us.
Laws don't bring hearts to God. If laws worked to bring hearts to God, Jesus would not have come, lived amongst us and died on a cross.
Love wins hearts. While we pray and support those who advocate for laws that bring freedom for our friends globally, Frontier Partners' mission is simple. We serve those who have been forgotten; who are living in difficult regions. We offer the hope that only comes from a relationship with God. Those we serve often find joy in simply knowing they are loved and remembered. They find peace and joy from fellowship with a joy filled believer, even if their beliefs are not the same. Our teams bring food, supplies and relief, but the relationship is most valued by those we serve. The walls are removed spiritually and doors open to sharing our beliefs. Mutual respect and dignity are key to the growing relationships.
The world changed drastically in only 3 years when Jesus began His ministry. In 3 years, a spark was started that brought us to 2,604,381,000 believers in the world. There are believers in every country of the world today. Jesus' ministry was based on God's love for His children, not laws and certainly not condemnation.
What does it mean to you to serve as a follower of Christ or Christian?
We invite you to experience traveling with a FPI team that chooses to love first, provides for any in need and shares His love through service and action. Will you join us on a future trip to the Middle East? Contact info@frontierpartners.org if you have interest.
Matthew 22:36-40 | Matthew 28:19-20
All Rights Reserved | Frontier Partners International