The team returns to US!

Josiah Parks, Field team • September 27, 2023

God is doing a great work in the Middle East

We have just arrived home from our trip to the Middle East. I want to write a little about how the trip impacted lives, including mine.

Last year was my first mission trip, and I was grateful to go on one with my dad and his Team to the Middle East. On that mission, I learned a lot about what dad's been doing over the previous 40 years and the connections he has made. I also made many new friendships and connections with people and, on this trip, learned the impact I made last year was more than I ever imagined.

Thankfully, to God's grace this year, I joined him again with a team to Jordan, Kurdistan-Iraq, and Lebanon.  I was excited to meet with friends I had made the previous year and see how much they and their work for the Lord have grown.

What I saw when we met each of them was God's work is intensifying, and the work that has been going on is growing way faster than I could ever think.

In Jordan, we saw how Refuge City Networks is rapidly and tremendously evolving to help more and more families. Today, they have a medical clinic, a growing classroom full of kids with multiple classes and hard-working teachers, a sowing room for ladies to learn to sow

clothes and items to sell, and a devoted men's group. They are also building a dentist's office. Much of this was in the works from last year and has progressed quickly, thanks to God and many of you who support their work.

In Kurdistan-Iraq, we met with our Team, Ari and Aram. They have been the minds and hands of FPI in Kurdistan-Iraq.

We held our first conference here.

This was the third year, so I knew many who attended. This year, Pastor Dean and Pastor Tim joined our Team, teaching the Word and encouraging the church. And they did a great job. They were so engaged and grateful for our presence, and Pastor Dean and Tim

gave strong messages of encouragement. Our Team was also greatly encouraged and grateful to be there. It was wonderful to see the motivation at the conference and have fellowship in the free time where we would sit and talk together. Hearing the stories of God's

work in their lives and the church was awesome.

God has been moving these people who are doing beautiful work in his name. At the end of the conference, we had an unplanned baptism where five people were baptized, publicly proclaiming their faith in Jesus and desire to serve Him. We also met with Yazidi refugees my dad has worked with for many years. They have been through terrible difficulties but continue working hard to make a new life. They have a small chicken and turkey farm, which is growing and has been very prosperous, helping them raise income and food. They also have land where they can grow fruits and vegetables, many from the seeds we brought last year, for food and to sell to the market.

We met with our Lebanese Team, Joseph and Saeed, who lead the ministry of Warm Heart Lebanon, and their beautiful family. There, we held our second conference.

Pastors, wives, and other leaders serving in Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria attended. They faithfully serve under aggressive religious pressures, persecution, and failing economies and greatly needed refreshing and encouragement. Once again, Pastor Dean and Tim did a great job.

We got to see the churches' growth, renew past relationships, create new ones, and talk about the work God has been doing in them and through them. 

After the conference, we met with the Syrian refugees for two days. One day was for women who Warm Heart disciples. We taught from the Bible and they asked us questions. This was very encouraging for the women because they come from a life of insignificance and abuse. As we honor them and give them respect, their hearts open to us and the Lord. As they come to Christ, their faces change, and they even begin wearing colorful clothing, feeling brighter.

On the second day, we spent time with 40+ kids. We taught a Bible story, and they played football (soccer), and we hung out with them for the day.  On both days, we served hamburgers and fries. This was a huge blessing because they seldom get meat in their diet. When it was time to go, one boy was lying on the ground groaning that he had eaten three hamburgers, and then other boys started saying they ate two, three, or even four hamburgers.

God is doing a great work in the Middle East through these leaders and our Team. Together, we were all encouraged, both those we served and us. Through this trip, I've seen so much of God's glory and the struggles of the Christian leaders. I am coming back so encouraged.

With God's grace, I will continue serving in the Middle East for God's glory.

Thank you all for your support; without you, none of this is possible.  Your prayers and financial support is impacting the Middle East.

Love and Blessings,

Josiah Parks

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