Greetings from Ari

Ari Ali • December 30, 2023

"I realized that the new generation and

the youths are thirsty to know Jesus."

I hope all of your festivals in all of your homes, churches and meetings filled with exciting joy and Jesus’ blessings. We know that you are Spiritually with us and feel the presence of Holy Spirit. We feel a great blessing on our churches in Iraqi Kurdistan as we know that for sure that you did not deprive us of your prayers and intercessions for us. We are the Lord’s warriors and began waging a spiritual war in this sensitive area against all dark powers and you, like a shield, are protecting us with your prayers and fasting.
Thanks to the Lord with the faith in Jesus, His wisdom and your cooperation, Kurdish Baptist church is growing day after day. We advanced in all aspects. Churches were planted harmoniously in villages. House groups were formed secretly in the very sensitive areas. The teachings are ongoing. Evangelism in the various religious groups is very active.
I am supervising evangelism in the remote areas where I obtained a good fellowship. I deliver them copies of the Holy Bible and teach them the precepts of Christianity. And among the IDPs, thanks to the Lord, I evangelize people and bring them to the faith. Also, I contribute humanitarian aids to them as far as I can. I try to meet the needs of the poor people and pray for them, teach them, and then after they come to the faith I bring them to the church to be baptized.
I realized that the new generation and the youths are thirsty to know Jesus.
On the flip side, I work in the field of translation by reviewing the Spiritual books that are being translated from several languages to Kurdish so that the church can be established on the solid way of the Word of God. I am sending you some pictures so that you can understand our activities more. I thank your cooperations, prayers and intercessions. 
We ask for your constant support as we can not do all the activities alone unless your prayers and Lord’s blessings are on us. May the Jesus’ Spirit dwell on each one of you and protect your spouses, children and communities. 

Ari Ali, Kurdish Ashty Evangelical Church
Partner with Frontier Partners International
Donate to the work in Iraq/Kurdistan

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