A Time of Refreshing 2024

Mike Parks • May 20, 2024

Serving in the Middle East is incredibly difficult

"I was burned out, and my wife was very depressed. I wanted to take her somewhere for a few days to refresh, but I couldn't because we did not have enough money.

Then, unexpectedly, Pastor Milan called to invite my wife and me to attend the Time of Refreshing conference at no cost.  There are not enough words to thank you for the encouragement, rest, and refreshment we received from the fellowship with all the Pastors.

Thank you, FPI & Warm Heart, and to all the donors who made this conference available to us." 

“A Time of Refreshing” is designed to encourage and strengthen Pastors, Wives, and Leaders through the teaching of the Word, Worship, Fellowship, and Prayer in a peaceful, secure, and restful atmosphere.  The conference is held for three days in each location.

The evangelical church in the Middle East is small, in many places ill-equipped, pressured by the religious communities they live in times of war, failing economies, cultural prejudices, and the day-to-day pressures of ministry.   Serving in this region is incredibly difficult.

Leaders serving in the Middle East are weary.

During these conferences, these Kingdom Builders find the rest and renewed hope they need to stay in the fight!  Each year, more people ask to attend. This year we hope to host 400+ pastors and leaders at the two conferences.  Donor support covers the cost of lodging, food, transportation, and conference expenses.

The total cost for both conferences is 75,000$.

Your contribution will make a difference in the lives of these pastors and leaders who

work tirelessly caring for the believers and spreading God’s Word in the Middle East.

Will you be a part of this year's refreshing? Click below to support this year's events.

I will support "A Time of Refreshing 2024"

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December 31, 2024
As we begin 2025, our prayer is that every tribe, every tongue and every person will experience the love of God. We seek to follow His direction, timing and leading in all that we do. Supporting our CEO, Mike Parks, makes a lasting impact on our ability to serve globally. Please consider joiniing us this year with a monthly gift - every gift makes a difference! Whether your budget allows for $500 per month or $20 per month, your support makes a lasting change in the difficult regions of the world. Thank you for your prayerful consideration. May God richly bless you, your family and your endeavors in 2025.
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