The 3rd annual “A Time Of Refreshing” for Pastors/Wives/Leaders Conference
Kurdistan-Iraq and Lebanon
September 2023
“A Time of Refreshing” conference is designed to encourage and strengthen Pastors, Wives, and Leaders through the teaching of the Word, Worship, Fellowship, and Prayer in a peaceful, secure, and restful atmosphere.
The evangelical church in the Middle East is young and small, pressured by the religious communities they live in, failing economies, cultural prejudices, and the day-to-day pressures of ministry.
They are weary.
These conferences give them the hope they need to stay in the fight!
We will host 300+ pastors and leaders at the two conferences.
FPI covers the cost of lodging, food, transportation, and conference expenses.
The cost for both conferences is 45,000$. To date, we have raised 25,000$.
A contribution of any amount is a blessing!
Your contribution will make a difference in the lives of these pastors and leaders who are working tirelessly to spread God’s word.Donate to "A Time of Refreshing"We received a note from a Syrian pastor and his wife, who attended last year’s conference in Lebanon.
“Thank you, pastor Joseph and pastor Mike.
The conference you led last year was a need and a must for all of us. At a time we were weary, you invited us and refreshed our hearts, our souls, and our spirits with God's Word, good fellowship, prayer worship, and nice food.
We look forward to the next conference. They greatly refresh our hearts and ministries.
Pastor Saïd and CecileThank you, and God bless you!
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Matthew 22:36-40 | Matthew 28:19-20
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